Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Post Holiday Weekend

Road trips….

I’ve never had a bad road trip (including the one where the dumbass driver flipped the car while changing the radio station – the good then still outweighed getting my car towed and laid up for a week or more in a body shop 200 miles from home, believe it or not). In fact, I would venture to say that at least one road trip I have taken has been life changing for me, and that all have bonded me to people in a way that I could never replicate under ordinary circumstances. But confine a few friends within the several hundred cubic feet of space in an automobile with snacks, music, and an open road, and that is a recipe for discovering the joy in life. Even better if the road trip has been arranged with less than 48 hours notice.

Each road trip has at least one good story that gets better with each telling…

  • The visit to Iowa that ended up with a “side trip” to Minnesota
  • The amazing music in Waterville, Ks
  • Skidding through Skidmore, Tx
  • Climbing the North Hill* in Mexico
  • Eating tapas in Houston
  • Road rage in Giddings, Tx

    *If by “hill” you mean: sheer rock wall with no available oxygen and footing only suited to a spry mountain goat

Elaboration on any of the above stories is available on request, but with the disclaimer that I may be the only one who judges the content to be absolutely hilarious.

Dinner Parties….

In addition to making time for more road trips in my life, I am deeming it my personal mission to revive two things from the 1950s/60s: dinner parties and cocktail hour. You know all those classic movies where the woman is wearing the pearls and the huge poofy skirt and walking around the living room with a martini glass in her hand? What happened to that? Why is the image of a (working, single) mom having a much-needed drink after work deteriorated to someone sneaking around the kitchen drinking whisky out of a coffee cup as she pulls the chicken fingers and tater tots out of the oven and throws them at her kids who are watching inappropriate television shows on the living room floor? Baaaaah I say!

Based on an impromptu experience last night…. Let’s bring back the cocktail hour and dinner party! I pledge to buy a drink shaker and more than one flavor of adult beverage fixins. I pledge to stock cans of mixed nuts in my pantry. And I pledge to clear up the papers, mail and magazines on the piano and coffee table so that Merlot doesn’t yearn to wear a biohazard suit when she walks through my door.


Unknown said...

Make those lazy kids get their own damn chicken fingers\tatertots (mmmm tatertots...) out of the oven. They should be happy they aren't having "raid the fridge while mommy takes a nap" (again)

Kranberry said...

i feel the mother of the decade crown cummin your way!!!1

Catch and Release Program said...

Mother of the Decade? Pshaw. I usually disqualify myself for Mother of the Year by Jan. 2nd each year.