Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sports Fishermen vs. Roofers: The lesser of two evils?

The seasonal outdoor laborers (roofers, loggers, demo crews, etc) have moved on to greener pastures, and apparently the next seasonal migration of men to our region are sports fishermen.

Reasons why sports fishermen are so much hotter than roofers:
  1. Red sea turtle boxer shorts coordinate in color AND theme with red Hawaiian swim trunks
  2. Have enough discretionary income to pay for guided fishing tours
  3. Better dancers because there are no oversized shoulders to throw them off balance
  4. Higher IQ: Remember, no license required to become roofer, unlike becoming a fisherman (Hee!)
  5. Much sexier making out on a boat than in a trailer/hotel room with 8 other guys
  6. Their real jobs don't have purposely misspelled words in the company name like "(Insert construction term here) R Us"
  7. Better wardrobes which are bought at Academy instead of found in dumpster (Amber: presumably)
  8. Keys to yacht more impressive than keys to rusty cement truck
  9. Fish for dinner is still better than whatever you can scrounge up at the Circle C convenience store
  10. Lounging around on a private fishing boat is much more enjoyable than perching atop a roof wearing a hard hat

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